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Available Classes Guide In LOTRO

Do you konw which are the available classes in LOTRO ? The following are
just the detail description about them . read it if you are intersted …

Burglar (Debuffs, Stealth)

1) Burglars are masters of stealth and misdirection. They are able to
confound their foes with a variety of clever and debilitating tricks.
Burglars' sleight-of-hand and startling attacks allow their companions to
overwhelm adversaries.
2) This class is available to the Man and Hobbit races.
3) Primary function: The Burglar's role is to rob monsters of the ability
to deal damage and attack at full strength. As the only class that can
reliably initiate fellowship manoeuvres (high-yield group-based attacks),
its role in groups is a coveted one.
4) Choose this class if: you enjoy playing a sneaky character who relies
on surprise and cunning rather than armor and brute strength.

Captain (Buffs, Ressurect, Pet)

1) Captains are masterful leaders whose commanding presence strengthens
allies. Their battle cries strike fear into the hearts of enemies and
rally companions to their war banners.
2) This class is available to the Man race.
3) Primary function: The armoured Captain posseses some of the most potent
enhancements to the heroes of Middle-earth, this makes the Captain a key
member of any fellowship. The Captain's ability to summon a Herald pet at
later levels, plus the ability to bring fallen heroes back into the fight,
make it a desired group class.
4) Choose this class if: you like classes that can buff and heal yet do
damage as well. Captains use two-handed weapons more than other classes.

Champion (DPS)

1) Unrelenting in battle, Champions are consummate warriors. Their fervour
allows them to make increasingly powerful attacks. Champions excel at
melee combat and can absorb punishment with their heavy armour.
2) This class is available to the Dwarf, Elf, and Man races.
3) Primary function: The Champion trades survivability for the ability to
deal explosive amounts of damage to multiple foes. Although a fully
armoured class when not in fervour mode, it is when Champions enter this
state that they deals out the greatest damage, both to single and multiple
4) Choose this class if: you like to damage your opponents quickly and
overwhelmingly. Offense is the best defense would be a motto of a
Champion. A Champion's primary fighting style is with two melee weapons.

Guardian (Tank)

1) The Guardians are protectors of the weak and defenders of those in
need. They are capable of withstanding mighty blows and retaliating in
kind. True Guardians stand to the forefront of battle, shielding their
allies from enemy assaults.
2) Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races
3) Primary function: The Guardian's ability to wear heavy armour and
defensive skills enable the Guardian to face creatures that would make
other heroes' morale fail. Guardians also have the ability to draw foes'
attention away from their allies and to themselves.
4) Choose this class if: you want to rely on huge amounts of armor and
muscle to outlast your opponent in a fight. Guardians are the class that
makes the most use of shields.

Hunter (Nuker)

1) Hunters are masters of field and forest, unmatched in their dexterity
with the bow. They use their survival skills to guide companions and lay
traps for enemies. Hunters are at their strongest when attacking from a
distance, but are able to defend themselves in melee combat when the need
2) Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races.
3) Primary function: The Hunter is proficient at dealing out good damage
to single foes at both range and melee. When Hunters are at range, they
can unleash devastating arrow shots that do high damage to single targets.
When the lone enemy finally manages to close into melee range, the Hunter
is well-equipped to deal the finishing blow with some melee skills.
4) Choose this class if: you are the type of player who like to hang back
and do massive amounts of ranged damage to a single target. It goes
without saying that the Hunter's primary weapon is their bow.

Lore-master (Crowd Control, Pet)

1) Lore-masters are seekers of knowledge and the guardians of wisdom.
Their knowledge of ancient lore allows them to confuse and stun foes, as
well as protect against the dark powers of the Enemy. Lore-masters are
also capable of calling animals to their aid.
2) Available to the Elf and Man races.
3) Primary function: Lore-masters are the unparalleled masters of
crowd-control, with the ability to trap creatures and keep them from
hurting their allies. They have many skills that invoke the natural world
of Middle-earth but it is draining on the will thus costing them morale to
fuel some of these powerful skills. Because of this, they must rely on
their pets to supplement their ability to take damage.
4) Choose this class if: you enjoy casting spells both to damage and
confuse your enemies. Lore-Masters primary weapons are their magic and
their animal companions.

Minstrel (Healer, Buffs)

1) Minstrels are skilled at maintaining their companions' morale and
stirring their hearts to perform greater feats of prowess. They ward
against the forces of darkness and inspire their allies using their
knowledge of ancient songs and lore.
2) Available to the Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, and Man races.
3) Primary function: A master at surviving and keeping it's friends alive
in Middle-Earth. Also able to deal damage on the battlefield with light
based attacks and various musical songs of power.
4) Choose this class if: you like to be the healer and also provide some
enhancements to your group. The Minstrel's primary weapons are their songs
which they use to damage enemies.

Warden (Tank) You must have Mines of Moria to play this class.

1) The Warden patrols the borders of civilized lands, preventing the
encroachment of Fell Creatures from the Wild. While some Wardens prefer to
harass their enemies from range, all are capable of standing toe to toe
with the toughest opponents.
2) Available to Hobbit, Elf and Man races.
3) Wardens are limited to medium armor so that they can travel swiftly and
silently to defend those they protect from threats. Wardens depend on
their Determination for protection rather than heavy shields and armor.
Wardens all have some military training and have mastered a style of
combat that uses combinations of basic attacks to create masterful
4) Choose this class if: you not only like to tank in groups, but enjoy a
challenge and are looking for an interesting experience outside of normal
group dynamics.

Rune Keeper (Healer, Nuker) You must have Mines of Moria to play this class.

1) Rune-keepers are gifted linguists and masters of true names. With this
knowledge, they craft powerful rune-words that help the Free Peoples.
Through unparalleled mastery of certh and tengwar runes, a Rune-keeper
evokes much more than a normal scribe.
2) Available to Elf and Dwarf races.
3) The Rune-keeper is powerful, but must choose between damage and
healing. the Attunement a Rune-keeper is at determines if damaging Dagor
(Battle) skills or restorative Nestad (Healing) skills can be used. At all
times, the utility skills of Thalas (Steady) may be used, but will reduce
your Attunement. Rune Keepers wear only light armor.
4) Choose this class if: you enjoy the flexibility in changing between
being a primary healer or ranged DPS. While you can change your attunement
between damage and healing rather quickly, you will not really be able to
do both at the same time.

Hope this guide can help you know more about Lotro then you can make much
more Lotro golds and good lotro powerleveling!


